Cause and effect

Another indicator of how musical language coincides with the language of the world.
In our world, all happening is very clearly based on the relation of cause and effect, all what happens, occurs, all what has been done (as well Chagall's picture on the right), represents an effect of some specific cause (or more causes). Starting with the nature, evaporation of water represents the cause of rainfall, warm spring sun and rain are one of the causes for the colourful awakening of the flora. There are reasons for the physical (as well intangible) creation of man, we know that we can get skin-burned if we get to close to the fire-place, we know that we cry because we are sad (or very happy or sometimes both). Nevertheless, everything what man feels, is the result of something, that has happened in the outside world or deeper inside the soul. We are familiar with the fact, that all diseases have their cause (and how our beloved medicine, to which we run in the moments of helplessness, treats only its consequences). Nothing, nothing, therefore, does not happen by pure chance (although at the first glance we could speculate that the world is all full of coincidences). If we look at events with greater temporal perspective, we find out, that even those most "naked" coincidences have their cause hiden somewhere (and usually it's a very strong one). Such a "coincidence" could reflect in the funny event, like this: One rainy spring morning you sadly found out, that you have run out of stamps. Despite the bad weather, you have concluded that you have to go to the post, why in two weeks you are playing a concert in an important cultural center and there are still some vital invitations to be sent. In front of the post, somebody in a big hurry bumps into you (it appears like he came from nowhere), and beats you to the ground, that you land in a large filthy pre-postal puddle. With a dirty face, trying to draw aside your darkened curls (attentive observer might even notice there is a piece of squashy cigarette stucked in your ear), you look up and see a person ... the person which might stay with you until the rest of your life. Another incredibly beautiful story for a new luscious Hollywood film, with the sweet candy of happy coincidence on the top. However, when we think better ... Haven't you thought many times already how much would you want someone, with whom you could share your "little life happinesses"? Well, then all this funny story didn't happen by some unknown coincidence, but due to your long-smoldering desire...
Furthermore, if we are noticing that everything in life has its cause, then the music has to tell us the same thing, why, as I have been trying to proove consistently, music and life speak in very similar languages. How can we notice this term of "cause-effect" in music?
Have you ever heard of a worn phrase, that we learn from childhood and what represents one of most oftenly used (if not abused) teaching tools in musical education: "Question-answer". This means nothing else then the term "cause-effect". Music contains countless examples of this kind ... For example 4-bar motive consists of two-bar musical thought (cause), which in the two succeeding bars evokes new thought which is dependent on the first (and represents its consequence). There are numerous musical ideas in countless extentions built in such a context (ranging from simple melodies through to more complex musical ideas, such as the contrasting themes of sonata form, etc..). Then there is harmony and eternal game of dissonance (cause), which dissolutes its power in consonance (effect). Ultimately, overall musical perspective (or perspectives of individual musical elements such as rhythm, harmony, melody, polyphony, structure) may suggest the following (perhaps most important) causes - design, organization and integration of musical elements, what results in creation of a whole . It seems that this causes are also most important causes in human life (designing, organization of life, bringing people together to create a general state of good and beauty).
Very clearly, causal link can be distilled likewise from playing of an instrument, which works on the following principle: mind(thought) - movement of the hand - production of the sound. So, the thought (idea) causes a hand gesture, hand gesture is further responsible for the production of certain sounds, which may ultimately give rise to human emotions, which will then again evoke a new mental connections, etc.).
I could be playing with causeses and their effects much more, but there is no need. Quite clearly, each tone is placed in a specific place because it is logical successor to the previous ones. Mentioned tone in the same time represents a new cause (or part of the the cause) that will produce a new consequence (new sounds) ect.
Finally, isn't it the same in life - that everything what we do, everything that happens , is the logical consequence of our previous thoughts, actions and feelings?
There is one more thing bothering me. What exactly is "the cause"? "Encounter of contrasts"?
Some other day...
Good day for you all! ;)
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