Let me do (for a change) some good promotion for the Portugues culture and its social enviroment. Let me share with you something beautiful that happened in the night from 23th to 24th of June in Porto, something that is so unique, that probably doesn't have any equivalent in the whole wolrd - the so called Night of Saint John is one of the most beautiful holidays I have ever experienced in my life. In the honor of the saint, who favours lovers, all the city goes down to the river, sharing joy and compassion in a very special way;

People (thousand and thousands of them) gently hit eachother's heads with the plastic hammers, which create thin and sizzling sound. The hammers can be replaced with the pink garlic flowers on long stalks (but these are a bit more disturbing then the first:)) Evening magic is complemented by beautiful coloured burning paper ballons, which are ascending (assumably together with the wishes and prayers) towards the spacious black sky, and magnificent long-lasting fire-works, launched from the three river boats anchored in the middle of River Douro.
The holiday is accompanied by many other activities and simbolisms (dinning of Sardine fish - Sardinhada, decorating city with the colourful ribbons and balls ext.), but once again, the best thing of the holiday is the gesture with the hammers, which brings people together (if only for one night) in a very unique way; while you are gently hitting other person's head with the plastic hammer and showing sincere smile on your face, you can not escape the alchemy that grows between you-two quickly and in a very special way. This is the only day, the only time when you are 'allowed' to give attention (love, compassion, joy of celebration) to anyone you wish, when ever and how many times you want. And what is even better, everyone is happy to recieve your affection, whether young or old, sophisticated or simple, poor or rich.

Wonderful holiday! If you go to Porto, go in the time of "São João"!:)
Gently hit? It depends... You should see some groups of teenagers, when they want to have some fun...