Sunday, 2 May 2010

Let's go to Casa da Música

Concert of Miguel Borges Coelho {Porto, Casa da Música, 28. 4. 2010}

Beethoven: Bagatelles Op. 126

---> Sophisticated, beautiful and wise sound in the slower and more "singing" parts of Bagatelles, stiff upper hand in the rapid and dynamic parts, as result tone is not clear and uniformed; consequence: overall picture of some Bagatelles is not the most clear.

Arnold Schoenberg: Suite Op. 25

---> Very good and clear temporal structure, in my opinion lack of differentiation in the sound and a bit "tight-fisted" use of the pedal; so complex dodecafonic content is (despite good timing) difficult to understand without the latter.

Claude Debussy: Suite Pour le Piano

---> Solid.

Alexsander Skriabin: Five Preludes Op. 74

---> Late and great Skriabin's work. Despite the apparent continuity of the Preludes I missed some of substantial differences (surprises and diversity) in the sound, everything was "in the same room". However, I don't know the piece - maybe it is supposed to be like that.

Jorge Peixinho: Etude III in B-flat major

---> Beeing placed between this giants's works, (despite interesting and humorous experimentations around B-flat major chord) study comes out as a little bit banal. But once more, as I don't know the piece, I feel incompetent to evaluate the performance.

Bela Bartok: Suite Outdoors

---> In my opinion, first three movements were to smilar to eachother in terms of sound qualites (the first - "brutal one" was very well played, but then the second and the third were a bit too "brutal" as well), the fourth was great! (In direction of musical thought and even more in the sound - "almost out of this world"), fifth was powerful and soverign.

---> Encore: Satie ...

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