Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Why the hell this shoes?!

I guess it is illegal to make anti-advertisment for shoes, so I will try to avoid photographic material. Though, there are plenty of shoes to see - shoes, that have nothing to do with aesthetics.

I have always been attracted to detail. That doesn't change here, in Porto, where I've come across one funny "General Shoesy Surprise."
Sometimes the sun is very strong, and that diffuse light before the spring-shower forces me to look towards the ground and find a moment of peace for my eyes. But look, the devil, then I see all those shoes ...
Then I see young people wearing this multi-beloved sneakers that are a bit wider and higher, so they can stuck their trousers inside. And then there are those, how do we call them?, yellow and hairy half-cowboy ones (which, I thought, died out decades ago), then there are ALLSTAR shoes (which are legendary, but they don't go so well together with the black trousers or linseed skirt, which you have bought in Zara), and of course, then there are Nike sneakers of all types or even ordinary sport slippers, which we used to wear in lessons of physical education - comfortable but ugly as hell... Well, ofcourse you can find people that doens't hurt the eye too much, although they have maybe inherited the foot-wear habits from their grandfathers.
Nevertheless, these shoes are not the worse thing. Worse then the shoes is a combination of shoes and clothing, why shoes (which are somehow more old-fashioned or infantile) almost never blend with the dress, the materials and colors which currently dominate the global ready-made fashion (by the way, also worthy of consideration). Of course, men are generally slightly less aesthetic then women, but that is mostly the guilt of global clothing industry, which offers to women ten times greater selection of clothes. However, I have to admit that woman are surprising me more in negative then in positive direction as well. In my opinion the most aesthetically arranged and most consistent with their clothing is older population who has maintained and preserved that good measure from old days.

After all, why do I care? But I do. I always care about everything and I can not pretend that I don't see. And I have special affinity for nice shoes ... I'm sorry, I am just about to make a horrible generalization again, but it's is obvious: Portuguese general "Foot-wear Taste" (if not a general taste for dressing) is worse than I was accustomed to. When you look at a being in those shoes, in that outfit ... No. Things just don't go together. It's not the best.

Long live exceptions, long live the children with their fairytale-shoes! :)

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